Allianz My Company
Business & Property insurance
From the manufacturer to the retailer, the fleet that goes between them, and the garage that services those vehicles, we have insurance solutions and services that may help.

4 packages of My Company insurance.
1 easy choice.
We offer tailored solutions for individual needs to provide you
with the best possible insurance for your situation.
with the best possible insurance for your situation.
Protection against the elements, business interruption insurance and liability insurance.
For those of you who want to protect property against, for example, washing out or breaking glass.
Thanks to our complex cover, we will cover damage caused by theft or vandalism.
The broadest possible protection - the greatest security. It also applies to breakage of machinery or electronics.
Additional costs
In addition to rescue costs, we will cover the costs of demolition, tearing down or dismantling of building components, evacuation of insured property, including removal and disposal of debris, drying or cleaning, costs of moving and storing insured items, renewing documentation, replacing the lock insert and reacquiring or refilling of fire extinguishers.
Water damages
Are you interested in My Company insurance?
Leave us your contact details in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Find documents relevant for you

Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents