

Notification of violations of legal regulations and unethical behavior at Allianz.
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SpeakUp ensures the confidentiality of the information provided, the protection of whistleblowers and reported persons and their personal data.
Announce via SpeakUp
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  • You can also make the notification in writing via e-mail communication.

Write us
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You can arrange a personal meeting with a compliance officer by sending an e-mail message to the address below.

Book an appointment
Compliance will maintain strict confidentiality in relation to your identity, to the data of other natural persons and in relation to the information mentioned in the notification.

Allianz pojišťovna a.s., Allianz penzijní společnost, a.s., Allianz kontakt, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as "Allianz CZ") has introduced, in accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, the Allianz CZ internal reporting system, which is used to report illegal or unethical behavior that has occurred or is expected to occur in connection with our companies. Allianz CZ does not exclude receiving notifications also from persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for Allianz CZ. The Whistleblower Protection Act can be found in the Collection of Laws.

If you believe that illegal or unethical behavior is occurring or may occur at Allianz CZ, you have the opportunity to report it. We recommend preferential use of the internal notification system. The methods of notification within the internal notification system are as follows:

  1. By sending a written document to the address of Allianz pojišťovna, a. s., Allianz penzijní společnost, a. s., Allianz kontakt, s.r.o. – Compliance, Ke Štvanici 656/3, 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic. In case of notification by mail, the envelope must be marked with the inscription "Whistleblowing - DO NOT OPEN".
  3. Electronically at [email protected].  
  4. Verbally to the relevant person (by telephone via the contact details below).
  5. In person to the relevant person. You can arrange a personal meeting using the contact details below.
  6. Via the Speak UP reporting interface available from: whistleblowing or SpeakUp.

The external notification channel for the purposes of notification of illegal acts is the system for receiving notifications established by the Ministry of Justice available at: http://oznamovatel.justice.cz/. The notification system established by the Ministry of Justice cannot be used to report a breach of obligations under the Act on Certain Measures Against the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism. In this case, the notification must be made through the Financial Analysis Office at: https://fau.gov.cz/kontakty in the "Whistleblowing" section.

The notice must be specific and understandable. It must be clear from the notification which person it is directed against and which action it relates to so that it can be properly investigated. In the notification, the notifier shall state his name, surname and date of birth, or other information from which his identity can be deduced. At the same time, it is expedient to provide the phone number or email through which the relevant person will communicate with you.

Notification can also be made anonymously. A notification in which the notifier does not state his name, surname or other information by which he could be identified is considered anonymous. Also in the case of an anonymous notification, it is advisable to provide a phone number or email, through which the relevant person will be able to contact you while maintaining anonymity.

1)    Head of Compliance

E-mail: [email protected]
Cell phone: +420 733 698 714

2)    Compliance officer

E-mail: [email protected]
Cell phone: 
+420 605 208 133

The above telephone lines are always reserved for receiving notifications on working days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A written record will be made of the notification. The call is not recorded.

The mentioned contacts are used exclusively to report suspected illegal or unethical behavior. They are not intended for submitting claims and complaints - to submit claims and complaints, use the contacts listed zde.

More information is available on the Allianz CZ website.

Information on the processing of personal data in the current version valid for the Czech Republic can be found here:

Privacy policy | Allianz pojišťovna